Heey people 8)

i got here yesterday..wait no, like 3 days ago? i was suffering with jet lag, homesick..but i think i'm getting better :)
but the thing is that school starts next Tuesday...i got nothing to do, well well i'm studying TOEFL READING mom. don' worry.
i want school to startt!!! i'm sooo nervous that i'm going to a new school, and it's Catholic. well i have no idea how strong they push me to be a Christian. (not you, Christian :P) so yea, i went to a pool party yesterday!! it was fuuun :D(even though i didn't swim) we made our dinner, and just be chillin' :) you guys all make me happy to be back<3<3 well thats a part of reasons that i want to go back to Brien McMahon ;( always friends make me happy, its the happiest things for me. i can't live without my friends. all my friends are top friends<3




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